Instructional Support

School Readiness / CPIN

Megan Gretona

Megan Gretona
Manager School Readiness

KCSOS Manager School Readiness / CPIN (California Preschool Instructional Network) Lead for Region 8, has 30 years of experience in Early Childhood Education. She is passionate about high quality early childhood experiences for children birth through 5 years old. Megan’s focus is promoting research based best practices for early childhood educators by providing professional learning and on-site technical support. Megan looks forward to collaborating and supporting Early Childhood programs (public and private) and school districts’ Transitional Kindergarten programs.

The curriculum content of this newsletter was developed by KCSOS in collaboration with a fabulous team of dedicated early educators, and is intended for young children aged 3-5 years old.

This SMORE newsletter contains: weekly thematic units with live links to book read alouds, music, and many more hands-on developmentally appropriate activities. Each week also contains a link for distance learning printable packets so providers, child care centers, schools and teachers can share with the families and children they serve.

Pre-K /TK SMORE Newsletter