Migrant Education – Region V

For Districts

Assistance to Districts

Migrant Regional Staff provides direct assistance to districts and school personnel serving migrant students by:

  1. Collaborating with school district personnel to endorse effective planning and implementation of program activities and services.
  2. Consulting with districts and school site administrators to implement migrant program activities.
  3. Providing leadership and staff development services to school district personnel serving migrant students and parents.
  4. Developing and disseminating effective curriculum materials that address the various learning styles of migrant students that can be used effectively by classroom teachers and parents.
  5. Supporting the Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) efforts of districts.
  6. Publishing Region V MIGRANT NEWSLETTER (English/Spanish).
  7. Providing Region V Program Brochures.
  8. Migrant Hotline referrals (1-800-234-8848).


District Migrant Programs within Region V

Arvin Union
Elk Hills
Kern HS
Maricopa Unified
McFarland Unified
Taft City
Tehachapi Unified
Wasco Union
Wasco High
High Schools
Arvin High
Bakersfield High
East Bakersfield High
Foothill High
Golden Valley High
Ridgeview High
Shafter High
South High
West High