Academic Decathlon Results


At an awards ceremony on Feb. 9, Stockdale High School was named the grand champion of the 40th annual Kern County Academic Decathlon. The competition — made up of ten events including Art, Economics, Essay, Interview, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Science and Speech — was held virtually this year.

Rounding out the top ten places were:
Second place — Arvin
Third place — Frontier
Fourth place — Wasco
Fifth place — West
Sixth place — Highland
Seventh place — Cesar Chavez
Eighth place — Independence
Ninth place — Liberty
Tenth place — Mira Monte

A unique aspect of the competition is that it’s designed to include students from all academic backgrounds. A team consists of nine full-time students from the 9th through 12th grades at the same high school. Each team is comprised of three students whose grade point average falls into the “A” category, three students in the “B” category and three students in the “C” category. They compete against other students in the same divisions. The team compiling the most points captured first place. Individual medals were also awarded to first, second and third place finishers in each category and division.

Overall individual top scores in this year’s Academic Decathlon went to:

Honors Division

1st place — Sara Mendoza / Frontier
2nd place — Lucas Bautista / Arvin
3rd place — Diego Rubio / Arvin

Scholastic Division

1st place — Carrera Grumling / Stockdale
2nd place — Emily Downie / Stockdale
3rd place — Joceline Navarro / Wasco

Varsity Division 

1st place — David Chamberlain / Frontier
2nd place — Jared Carr / Stockdale
3rd place — Adriel Madrigal / Stockdale