Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP)
KCSOS’s Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) is a state-funded educational advocacy initiative providing support and linkages for foster youth (ages 4-21) in Probation wards and group homes. Our goal is to enhance academic achievement, attendance, and positive school behaviors by meeting the unique educational needs of foster youth through advocacy and tailored support services.
Why Foster Youth Services?
Foster youth often face multiple changes in living arrangements, leading to frequent school transitions. This high mobility can disrupt their educational progress. Research shows that 75% of foster youth work below grade level, 83% are held back by third grade, and 46% eventually drop out of high school.
Who is Eligible for Foster Youth Services?
Children and youth between the ages of 4 and 21 who are:
- In out-of-home placement or living at home under court supervision (WIC 300).
- Wards placed by the court in out-of-home care (WIC 602).
- Supervised by your county under the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC).
- Under supervision of the tribal court (ICWA).
The FYSCP Team can assist with:
- Supporting foster youth student rights to immediate enrollment in school and timely transfer of educational records.
- School and community resources to promote student academic and personal success.
- A current list of foster youth education liaisons within Kern County and California.
- Coordinating transportation and resolving school placement and transportation disputes.
- Connecting youth to college/vocational programs and helping with financial aid and scholarship applications.
- Youth leadership development through Youth Empowering Success (YES!) (link to possible new YES! website) and Student Voice Ambassador Program.
- Liaison Network Meetings, training and technical assistance on critical issues including educational rights, legal mandates, best practices, and other school-related topics including LCAP, Foster Focus, and student voice initiatives.
- Questions regarding foster youth education related to child welfare policy and Education Code, including school of origin, and student discipline.
- California AB 740 Notification Requirements
- Kern County Transportation MOU – Kern County Department of Human Services and Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office
Please contact Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program for more information at or 661-636-4900.