Karl F. Clemens State Preschool
523 Broadway, Wasco, CA 93280
(661) 758-1760
Hilda Ramos
Site Supervisor II
Click here for a Google Map location

Karl F. Clemens State Preschool is located on the north side of the Karl Clemens Elementary School. This center is in the heart of Wasco and works with the community to provide a safe and welcoming environment for young children. Teachers take pride in providing an enriched educational environment for children to inspire a lifelong commitment to learning.
At Karl F. Clemens State Preschool, we provide services to 48 children ages 3 to 5 years of age. We offer a 3-hour, part day preschool program with a morning and afternoon session. Parent involvement and participation of 2 days a month is a program expectation.