Community Learning Center
330 E Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93305
(661) 852-5500
Office Hours
Monday through Friday 7:30 am – 4 pm
Click here for a Google Map location

Community Learning Center is located in central Bakersfield and serves 7th-12th grade students throughout Bakersfield and outlying areas. This site is composed of nineteen teachers, six instructional aides, two resource teachers and a special education instructional aide, a transition counselor, a campus supervisor, two school clerks, a student data attendance clerk, a school secretary, and an onsite principal and vice principal. This site has seven classrooms, twenty-five teacher offices for individual instruction, a computer lab, a designated library space, and an area for physical education.
Enrollment in a Community School is restricted to the following groups of students:
1) Expelled students, including students who are temporarily enrolling because they have been recommended for expulsion and are awaiting an expulsion hearing.
2) Students who are recommended by a school attendance review board (SARB). A SARB referral is authorized if the Community School has space available, the Community school meets the educational needs of the student, and the parent, guardian, or responsible adult of the student has not expressly objected to the referral based on one or more of the following reasons: 1) reasonable concerns related to the pupil’s safety; 2) geographic accessibility; 3) inability to transport; 4) the school does not meet the pupil’s educational needs. If there is an objection, the district of residence may either address the express objection or find an alternative placement in another comprehensive or continuation school within the school district. If the school district has offered the pupil all other options, the school district may refer the pupil to the county community school.
3) Students whose parents have requested enrollment and have received district approval. Voluntary enrollment may not occur unless space is available and the district determines that enrollment in the Community School will promote the educational interests of the student. Additionally, parent, guardian, or responsible adult of a student voluntarily enrolled may rescind the request for the placement, and the student is entitled to immediate reenrollment in their district of residence.
4) Students who are referred by the probation department pursuant to WIC 601, 602, or 654
5) Students who are on probation or parole and not in attendance in any school.
Except when necessary for safety considerations, students who are eligible to enroll in the Community School may enroll at any of the following Community School sites where space is available.