
Contact Us

Physical Address
Access Center
1330 Truxtun Ave.
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Mailing Address
1300 17th Street-City Centre
Bakersfield, CA 93301

The Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office recognizes that its employees are a valuable resource. There are great benefits to be realized from a workforce that is racially and culturally diversified; therefore, the Office operates on a merit system as part of its personnel management program. The merit system is designed to provide a fair and equitable personnel management program dedicated to the recruitment, retention, and development of employees on the basis of merit and job-related qualifications. It assures fair treatment of applicants and employees in all aspects of personnel administration without regard to race, national origin, religion, age, gender, disability, medical condition, martial status, or sexual orientation, and with proper regard for the privacy and constitutional rights of citizens.

The Office is education related; however, the services provided touch a far larger segment of the community. As a public agency it holds a public trust, so the Office strives to maintain a high standard of accountability. The Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office places a strong focus on customer service and sensitivity towards staff, clients, and the public.

HR Staff Directory

Cherie Payne, Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources P: 661-636-4747
E: chpayne@kern.org
Natalie Lucas, Administrative Secretary II to Cherie Payne P: 661-636-4673
E: nalucas@kern.org
Matthew Gutierrez, Director II Human Resources P: 661-636-4747
E: magutierrez@kern.org
Krystal Gomez, Secretary II to Matthew Gutierrez P: 661-636-4747
E: krgomez@kern.org
Michelle Rigby, Director I – Staff Development P: 661-636-4543
E: mirigby@kern.org
Sally Parks, Secretary II to Michelle Rigby P: 661-636-4470
E: saparks@kern.org
Rosenda Thomas, Human Resources Manager P: 661-636-4683
E: rothomas@kern.org
Andrew Lane, Human Resources Systems Analyst P: 661-636-4251
E: anlane@kern.org
Rodolfo Noriega, Human Resources Specialist P: 661-636-4692
E: ronoriega@kern.org
Mollie Graham, Human Resources Compliance Specialist P: 661-636-47172
E: momontgomery@kern.org
Courtney Perez, Fingerprint Technician
Fingerprint Appointments, Clearances, and Billing
P: 661-636-4672
E: coperez@kern.org


Maribel Polanco, Human Resources Technician III
Personnel (non-Credentialed)
P: 661-636-4342
E: mapolanco@kern.org
Anisa Hernandez,, Human Resources Technician II
Job Announcements, Testing & Interviews
P: 661-636-4391
E: ahernandez@kern.org
Adrianna Pompa, Human Resources Technician III
Personnel (non-Credentialed)
P: 661-636-4697
E: adpompa@kern.org
Gloria Townsend,Human Resources Technician III, Leave Specialist (Classified & Certificated) P: 661-636-4749
E: gltownsend@kern.org
Althea Varela, Human Resources Technician I
Substitutes, Student Workers, and Professional Experts
P: 661-636-4782
E: alvarela@kern.org
Rosa Alfaro, Human Resources Technician I, Merit Desk P: 661-636-4405
E: roalfaro@kern.org


Michelle Phillips, Human Resources Technician III Personnel (Credentialed) P: 661-636-4752
E: miphillips@kern.org
Cynthia Harmening, Human Resources Technician I P: 661-636-4633
E: cyharmening@kern.org
Evelyn Feliciano, Credentials Manager P: 661-636-4750
E: evfeliciano@kern.org
Gloria Perez, Credentials Analyst P: 661-636-4370
E: glperez@kern.org
Carrie Melton, Credentials Technician P: 661-636-4751
E: camelton@kern.org
Debbie Rains, Credentials Technician P: 661-636-4674
E: derains@kern.org
Alicia Mil, Secretary II in Credentials P: 661-636-4197
E: almil@kern.org
Yvonne Keaveny, HR Technician I – Credentials P: 661-636-4573
E: yvkeaveny@kern.org


Vanessa Dhindsa, Employee Benefits Specialist P: 661-636-4612
E: vadhindsa@kern.org
Carie Pollick, Payroll Manager P: 661-636-4325
E: cacerda@kern.org
Erica Celedon, Senior Payroll Technician/Payroll A-F P: 661-636-4661
E: erceledon@kern.org
Ashley Artemis, Payroll Technician G-M P: 661-636-4661
E: asartemis@kern.org
Teresa Green, Payroll Technician N-Z P: 661-636-4667
E: tegreen@kern.org