Instructional Support

School Climate

Restorative Practices

Restorative practices provide schools with a framework to build community, strengthen relationships, and improve school climate. This approach can be seamlessly integrated into the classroom, state standards-aligned curriculum, and a school’s culture and climate.

PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports)

What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a process for creating school environments that are more predictable and effective for achieving academic and social goals. For some schools, PBIS will enhance their current systems and practices, for others, it will radically change the culture for the better.

How does it work?

A key strategy of the PBIS process is prevention. The majority of students follow the school’s expectations, but not often acknowledged for their positive behavior. Through instruction, comprehension and regular practice, all stakeholders use a consistent set of behavior expectations and rules. When some students do not respond to the teaching of the behavioral rules, PBIS schools view it as an opportunity for re-teaching, not punishing.


School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is comprised of a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviors for ALL students. It is a compilation of effective practices, interventions and systems change strategies that have a long history of empirical support. PBIS is the integration of four elements:

  • Operationally defined and valued outcomes
  • Behavioral and biomedical science
  • Research-validated practices
  • Systems change to enhance the broad quality with which all students are living/learning and reduce problem behaviors

Check In/Check Out

Tier II, group-orientated intervention, designed especially for students whose problem behaviors (a) are unresponsive to Tier I practices and systems, (b) do not require more immediate individualized interventions, and (c) are observed across multiple settings or contexts.