Instructional Support

Parent Engagement

In order for students to be successful in schools, parent involvement is key. It is also one of the LCAP priorities. Parenting classes are offered throughout Kern County schools to help provide parents with additional tools to help raise healthy and successful children.

Parent Project

a 10-week parent skill-building program designed specifically for parents of strong-willed or out-of-control adolescents. The curriculum teaches concrete strategies for the most destructive of adolescent behaviors (poor school attendance and performance, alcohol and other drug use, gang involvement, runaways, and violent teens).

Loving Solutions

a parent-training program designed specifically for parents raising difficult younger children, ages 5-10 years. Also known as “Parent Project®, Jr.,” this program utilizes the same principles found successful in Parent Project® Sr., adapted to the needs of younger children.

Parenting Partners

An 8 week parent-training that combines parenting and leadership skills that empower parents to become vital contributors to their children’s academic success.The goal of the workshops is to promote Positive parent engagement, Improve student academics, and help build a strong home learning environment.Through the curriculum, parents are equipped with practical tools to make changes in their family.

Leticia Limon, Program Supervisor-Prevention Services
Phone: 661-852-5660