
Fan Awarded Seal of Civic Engagement

Alex Fan poses with his parents.


Last fall, the California State Board of Education approved criteria for California junior and seniors to earn a new Seal of Civic Engagement, an incentive aimed at encouraging active and ongoing civic leadership. The Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) announced today that it is the first Local Educational Agency (LEA) in the state to adopt a local program that fulfills the statewide criteria.

On Friday, April 30, KCSOS awarded the first seal in the state to Centennial High School Junior Alexander Fan for his demonstrated excellence in civic learning, participation in civics-related projects, contributions to his community, and understanding of the American democratic system.

“The future of our democracy depends on a knowledgeable and actively engaged citizenry,” said State Board President Linda Darling-Hammond. “With this new seal, we hope to prepare all students with an empathetic concern for others, a deep understanding of democracy, and the civic engagement skills needed to contribute to the welfare of their local communities, the state, and the country.”

An aspiring human rights lawyer, Fan has prided himself on bettering Kern County through a variety of organizations and activities. He has hosted Holocaust survivor talks, campaigned for Proposition 15, and led substance abuse prevention enrichment programs for middle school students. Most recently, he worked to pass a board resolution to recognize Dolores Huerta Day within the Bakersfield City School District. Fan also won his category in the Kern County History Day competition last month and looks forward to competing at the state level in May.