KCSOS Mini Grants Awarded
Congratulations to the teachers from KCSOS’s Special Education and Alternative Education programs who received mini grants from Dr. Mary Barlow to fund unique education projects for their classrooms. This year, more than $20,000 was awarded to 27 projects.
The 2019 recipients are as follows:
Alternative Education
Carol Bennett
Carolina Castro
Larry Elman
Brianna Hughes
Amanda Duke
Pennie Sanchez
Estelle Jackson
Chris Lantay
Adam Sanchez
Adrianne Davis
Kevin Shah
Tracy Sneed
Rafael Villalon
Special Education
Araceli Arroyo
Sarah Benitez-Jiang
Ashley Brandon
Raquel Castillo
Mindy Jo Cruz
Cynamin Etchells
Michelle Fisher
Jill Hahs
Karan Harrington
Cleotha Jackson
Angela Landon
Amy Moore
Jennifer J. Ruiz
Paige Smith
Marcela Susa
Eli Whitlach
Lindsay Haney
Robert Wolosz